
Managing staff is almost as difficult as hiring them.

What is often seen as the easiest part of bringing staff on board, can turn out to be the most confusing part of the process.

Apart from the obvious stresses of having to train and assimilate new staff into the organisation, Australian companies have to deal with some of the most complex and ever changing workplace legal requirements. BaseCamp Consulting has expanded our offering to provide our clients access to the full suite of HR services at a fraction of the cost of hiring in house support.

Human Resources (hjuːmən re-saw-sis)

the personnel of business or organization, regarded as a significant asset in terms of skills and abilities
“our core skills are in building businesses and managing human resources”

Unsure of what to do, call us now to organise an obligation free HR Health Check.

At BaseCamp Consulting, we help you get the right assistance to meet all your compliance obligations.

Human Resources

HR Health Checks

HR Audits

OHS/WHS Compliance Audits

New Starters

Position Descriptions

Letters of Offer

HR Contracts

New Starter Packs

Letters and Templates

HR Support

HR Support & Advise

Staff Performance

Staff Appraisals

Over the phone or Onsite Support

Employee Grievances

Pay and Conditions

Workplace Safety / Safety Management

Workstation Ergonomic Assessment

Minimisation of Risk – Injury

Maximisation of Productivity

Professional Advise and Referral

OHS/WHS Policy and Procedure Development

OHS Management System Documents

OHS/WHS Guidelines

OHS/WHS Information sheets

Risk Assessment

Policy and Procedure manuals

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Safe Work Method Statements

Hazard management

L&D - People & Culture

Learning & Development Procedures and Policies

Learning & Development In House Training Delivery

Facilitation of Staff Workshops

Leadership Training and Development

Staff Training Needs and Analysis

Talent Development and Succession Planning

Ad Hoc Requirements

Access to HR Advisory Services on needs basis

Assistance with all those other niggling issues